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LSAT Practice Sequencing Game 3

Here’s a third example of an LSAT practice sequencing game, perfect for trying out your logic games skills. This is the third practice game in a series of articles about LSAT Sequencing games. The series includes:

LSAT Practice Sequencing Game 3

Take about eight (8) minutes to try this game on your own.

Three salespeople – Jordan, Kilpatrick and Larson – are traveling from the home office to a local trade show. The trade show lasts eight consecutive days. Each day only a single salesperson will be at the tradeshow.

            Each salesperson will be at the trade show at least two consecutive days during the eight day run.

            Jordan does not attend the sixth day

            Kilpatrick attends on the third day

7. What is the maximum number of days any single salesperson can attend the trade show?

(A) two
(B) three
(C) four
(D) five
(E) six

8. If Jordan does not attend on the first, second, third or fourth day, which one of the following must be true?

(A) Larson will attend on the second day.
(B) Kilpatrick will attend on the sixth day.
(C) Jordan will attend on the seventh day.
(D) Jordan will attend on the fifth day.
(E) Larson will attend on the fourth day.

9. If Kilpatrick attends on the first, second and eighth day, how many different schedules of attendees are possible?

(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
(E) five

10. If Kilpatrick only attends two days, which one of the following must be true?

(A) Jordan attends on the first day.
(B) Jordan attends on the eighth day.
(C) Larson attends on the fourth day.
(D) Kilpatrick attends on the seventh day.
(E) Larson attends on the sixth day.

11. If Kilpatrick attends on the fifth day, which one of the following CANNOT be true?

(A) Larson attends on the second day.
(B) Jordan attends on the seventh day.
(C) Larson attends on the eight day.
(D) Jordan attends on the first day.
(E) Kilpatrick attends on the seventh day.

12. If Kilpatrick attends on the second and fourth days, all of the following must be true except?

(A) Larson attends on day five.
(B) Jordan attends on the first day.
(C) Jordan attends on day seven.
(D) Jordan is the last to attend the trade show.
(E) Larson attends day six.

Try the entire game on your own before moving on to see our analysis and explanations in the article, Sequencing Game 3 Explanations.